CRank: 5Score: 49820

More.....Well anything from "Beyond good and evil 2", and another Rayman beyond the upcoming one, perhaps in 3D and in a sandbox? Well anything Rayman is fine with me...

At least a tidbit of what's up with BG&E2...

4052d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree, it is a exposition, but the competition cannot be denied.... They do compete...

Personally I want them both to win, do as well as possible, [personal tastes will determine who wins. But if you are like me and are pulling for both you want no losers. Getting the most from both consoles is a double win.

New IP's and exclusives for both consoles are what excites me the most for E3... I hope both sides bring us the best possible show...

4054d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

It does have a intriguing story, and I like the looks.

It almost feels like a warm up game to the upcoming "Watch dogs"... I don't think it will be on Watch dog's level, but it wil still be a real fun and interesting game, and it's June release is a good time for it to shine a little without the big hitters getting in it's way...

This game is not getting as much love from most as I think it deserves. The hype is way to low for it. An...

4054d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


A PS4 PSN/INDIE Oculus rift game incoming?

As he said he has a lot of respect for Sony and Microsoft, but it's weird that he see's a lot more buzz for the Rift than anything else right now...... That's a sign of something.


4056d ago 3 agree14 disagreeView comment

Sensory overload...

From the eye candy to the gameplay this is looking like something really special. A top tier most wanted game for me.

I like the idea of interlaced multi, and thus far the NPC's look smart enough, so far, so very good...

4058d ago 11 agree3 disagreeView comment

The first rule of embargos is too "not" break them.... I am not sure in this case if it was the chicken or the egg that came first...

Either way... This is one beautiful game eye candy wise. And the gameplay from all I have seen thus far looks to match it. This one is near the top of my most wanted list...

4058d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

Zach Wood ‏@zachnwood 1h
Excited about a new project reveal tomorrow!
This is a senior producer at Sony Santa Monica.

So fasten your seat belts...

Unless it' just a SCE Santa Monica incubation project? Or a PSN title?

Could this be gameinformers cover?.... The god of war 3 team at SSM incoming?

4061d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

GT6,with a Vita port with cross-buy/play could be "intriguing"...

A multiplayer reveal for The Last of Us is a nice frosting on any cake...

Perhaps a mix of PS3,Vita and a glimpse of something PS4 all leading into May 21st and E3....

Just bring it, I am waiting and wanting...

4062d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

I bet the chances are real high for a GT blow-out.. ....

While they are at it they can show us glimpses of **Naughty Dog's new IP**, what's up with the **last guardian**, **SSM's** new Ip, **GG's** new IP and while in deep dream mode throw in some **Media Molecule new IP** info....All aboard the hype train. Cannot wait to see what they got cooking...

If not all, well I'll still take any one of the above please....

4062d ago 26 agree3 disagreeView comment

I would bet on a new Uncharted. I hope to see them come out each year with a new game now that they are a two team studio, each game series taking turns every other year. And looking to add more talent is only a good thing, as a studio like this will attract top level talent, allowing them to really give us the best possible experiences...

I think with UC2 they reached the top peak, and with UC3 they hovered near it. If there will be a new UC4, I think they will have to evolve ...

4065d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

A Banjo/Conker team up in an act/adventure platformer in an open World sandbox sure would be nice....Oh well, one can dream...

4071d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So you will only consider buying a next-gen Xbox if it offers backwards compatibility out of the box. Does that go for PS4 too?

4072d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

How many launch titles were there for the PS2? 25+ or so?

4073d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Whomever disagreed let me know who you are? Come on now, haha... You shall see it's Dark souls 2... I'll bet you...

4089d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Word I get is it's going to be ***"DARK SOULS 2***..."

4089d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

The return of Oddworld inhabitants with an all new IP...

One can dream...

4089d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh yes!

You know I think this new IP will be just that in a round and about away. A more evolved LBP. At least I hope so. I am a major fan of LBP, and soon to be Tearaway and this new IP really has me intrigued...

4093d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

That was my first thought too...Tearaway

The new IP for the PS4 is something I am in high anticipation for, I certainly hope we see it in more detail this E3 or before if at all possible.

My bet is that LBP3 for the PS4, and another off shoot of it for the Vita will come at a later date, done by another out source studio...A open World LBP3 in 3D on the PS4 sure sounds fantastic, a step above and evolved from LBP2 is what will be needed when they do come out wi...

4093d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yup really fun and looked great for it's time, the Bitmap bros really did things right with quite a few games....

4094d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It really was something special in it's time. Don't worry, you are not alone in getting old...

4094d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment